Thursday, September 27, 2007

Out-take: Armin Wiebe

I sat next to Creative Communications faculty member and Campus Program emcee Armin Wiebe at the Lois Braun and Janice Kulyk Keefer reading/Q&A at RRC yesterday afternoon.

As I was snapping pics of the crowd and the readers I caught Armin’s hands in the frame.

Now forgive me for the faint whiff of lame but…looking at Armin’s hands through the lens, I realized that four novels and countless short stories (okay, okay, you can probably count them...) have moved through those hands and onto the page.

Even though I presume to call myself a writer, I couldn't tell you precisely where stories reside in the body and where they come from. But it's sort of strange to think that the stories rely on fingers and knuckles and hands in order to be made manifest in the world.

1 comment:

Kelly Hughes said...

I have a picture of Sir Francis Bond's Head.